Runescapades: Zee in the world of Runescape

WoW has definately quietened down a little lately so I’ve been spending a bit more time trying out new games, and Old School Runescape is really grabbing me. It’s a really old game, but in my true fashion of coming really late to games, I’m only just finding it now.

At the start I hated the graphics but they’re really growing on me now and I adore my little toon. Along the way I’ve picked up a few cute items of clothing

I wanted a black witches hat since I saw a person wearing it and I found vendor selling it so I snaffled it up. I found that if you kill npcs you have a chance of them dropping their clothing. Its meant a lot of npcs deaths at my hands if I like what they’re in just in case.

The quests are really fun and there’s a ton of flavor conversations and events that randomly happen.

I’ve been kidnapped by an evil cat a few times and taken to various scenarios. Completely didn’t take screeshots though 😦

It’s actually quite a complex game in ways,. Quite a few of the quests are real puzzles.

I am however, absolutely horrible at navigating my way around and will head off in what I think is the correct direction, only to get half way across the map and realise I’ve gone in completely the wrong direction.

You can play the game as free to play, however the bulk of the content is locked behind members, which is like having a subscription in WoW, however there’s no buying the game time with real money. I’ll have to start learning how to make coins in a hurry as I’ve nearly finished the free to play quests and I want to see more.

3 thoughts on “Runescapades: Zee in the world of Runescape

  1. Hah, that game sure looks oldschool, how nice 🙂 Good to see what it’s all about; never tried it myself. Very nice simple interface it has.

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