Leibstered by Dragonray


Dragonray from Azerothian Life kindly nominated me to take part in this. Basically you answer 11 questions from the person that nominated you, share 11 facts about yourself and make 11 questions for 5 other bloggers to answers.

  1. If you could live anywhere in the world would it be where you are now, if not where? Denmark. Getting used to the temperatures would take some doing though.
  2. What do you order for your last meal, which can consist of any food you want? Butter Chicken, Saag Gosht, tons of Naan Bread and saffron rice and bucketfuls of Mango Lassi.
  3. Do you prefer chocolate, vanilla or strawberry? Strawberry
  4. You are stuck in a burning building, do you save your friend or the 1000 strangers? As much as it would kill me to have to make the decision, the 1000 strangers would probably be the choice I’d make. Hopefully I never ever have to be a situation like that.
  5. What do you do outside of Azeroth to relax. Bike riding is my number one favourite activity, knit, watch movies. I’ve been taking more and more time outside of Azeroth lately.
  6. If you could live in any area of the game where would it be?  I love Arathi Highlands so I’d kick everyone out of Stromgarde Keep and move in.
  7. What profession would you learn in real life from the game and why? Tailoring, I’d love to be able to make my own clothes; I have a sewing machine and can use it but the art of making clothes that are wearable still escapes me.
  8. Who would you want to meet that is currently alive and why?  Awful as it is, I can’t think of anyone living that I have a burning desire to meet.
  9. Is there anyone you have grown apart from that you regret? Yes, long story.
  10. What is one of your current goals for this year? Finish my honours thesis. I’m doing honors part time while I work full time; the thesis isn’t due until June 2016 but I want to have it done by Nov 2015 to hand in with the full time students.
  11. Are you excited about Blizzcon being announced? What news do you want to hear? Not really that excited to be honest. The last one I didn’t really find that interesting (especially compared ot the one where WoD was announced ) so  I don’t know if I’ll actually get a ticket this year.If  they were to announce the next expansion I would be excited.. but that would make WoD feel very short I think.

11 Random Facts about me

  1. I prefer drama or romantic genre movies over comedy
  2. I rlove running and really want to enter a 1/2 marathon but every time I start to consider it I find that I back off running.. something in the idea subconsciously scares me off.
  3. My favourite colour is pink.
  4. I hardly ever listen to music.
  5. I have very curly hair that for years I didn’t know was curly and I’d envy ppl with ringlets then I found an amazing hairdresser who showed me how to handle my hair.
  6. I cannot pass up a dessert if it has both chocolate and mint in it.
  7. I lost over 23kilos last year.
  8. I am working on being able to say no to things I don’t want to do.. I tend to shy away from the idea of creating conflict and used to say yes even to things I didnt want to to do.
  9. I hope I own a horse one day before I pass on.
  10. I am a terrible procrastinater.
  11. I prefer to read the book rather than watch the movie made from the book.

Ok now the harder part.. 11 questions of my own choosing

  1. What makes you smile?
  2. Where do you see yourself in 50 years?
  3. Is there one class in wow you haven’t been able to really gel with?
  4. What is your biggest problem/challenge when it comes to blogging?
  5. What is your dream career?
  6. What is the one thing in wow you love doing the most?
  7. What is your favourite book?
  8. if you could choose the next playable race, what would it be?
  9. What is the most delicious food you have ever eaten?
  10. Who is your favourite wow character?
  11. What do you think the next expansion should be about?


People I nominate – Please don’t feel you have to if you don’t want to 🙂

Cinder – http://lexiconofpower.com/

Mon – http://monplayswow.com/

Mr and Mrs Wow – https://mrandmrswow.wordpress.com/

Kamalia et alia –  https://kamaliaetalia.wordpress.com/

Feckless Leader – http://fecklessleader.blogspot.com.au/





Navispam IRL – Frostwolves guild meet up

I’m very fortunate to be an honorary member of Frostwolves; I have a few low alts there and when I finally stop procrastinating I’ll have a few of my 90s over there as well. So a few months ago when Navi whispered me asking, if there was a guild meetup in Melbourne would I go, my answer was a resounding yes of course I would love to be there.

The meeting was yesterday at the crown complex in the middle of Melbourne. Normally there is a tram right from my front door to the crown which is fantastic but this weekend it was down due to track maintenance so I trained in. I love going into Melbourne, it wasn’t something I used to do much of,  so I don’t know Melbourne that well,  but since getting an internship with a company in the heart of the city I get to go 3 times a week now.

So I hopped a train and figured I’d be there about 10mins before we were due to meet up but google maps seriously overestimated the time it took to walk from the station to the complex and I got there 30 mins early, which wasn’t good for my nerves. On the train I had texted Navi saying I was getting so excited I could hardly breathe and the wait just made it worse. I kept peering at people wondering if they were also Frostwolves.

Eventually a group of people turned up and I thought I recognised Navi with them. I had seen a photo of her a few months ago from Blizzcon and she had 2 little kiddies with her and I knew she had a little  boy and a girl (my detective skills were working overdrive!). I decided to inch closer and see if I could overhear wow talk. I heard Navi talk and realised this was her so I introduced myself and was so excited to be introduced to people whose names I recognised like Severus, Aza, Morz, Voros and Lushnek. HK was there but I didn’t realise he was also Aimei which was the toon name I knew the most from guild chat. There were a heap of people who turned up too like,  Jazz, Nath, Sabrehawk, Lominari and Dragonray. I didn’t actually realise before hand just how far some people were going to travel – Morz came all the way from W.A for the meetup which was very cool

meet up from navis blog

The photo is taken from Navi’s blog as she has done a cool job of putting in our toon faces. I don’t want to post my photos as some people might want to remain anomonous.

I was really excited to meet Dragonray as she writes over at Azerothian Life and I’ve exchanged blog comments back and forth a fair bit. It was even more exciting to realise she lives in Melbourne too so we’re going to try to organise a meet up over lunch or whatever we can squeeze in during our lunchtime in the city.

It was a great day. At the start I was a little worried I wouldn’t know what to talk to anyone as I don’t know them as well as they know each other but I shouldn’t have worried, a bunch of wow players in one place means there is plenty of things to talk about. I sat between Sev and Morz for ages,  before I snuck off down to talk to Dragon, and they are both really lovely guys to chat to.

I was hoping to try to catch up with Navi again the next morning as they were touring the aquarium but I decided my budget probably wasn’t super flexible enough to stretch that far, downside of being a student with a limited funds I guess. But despite that, I had a fantastic day and I’m so glad I got to meet everyone.

Here is Dragonray‘s and Navi’s write-up of the day. It was a fantastic time and hopefully I’ll be around for the next Frostwolves meet up.