The end of our raiding week..7/10

The end of  our raiding week saw us with 2 new bosses down. We started with Tel’arn, who we had been having trouble with last week. We had been getting overrun with flowers but we got that under control this week and he went down fairly easily compared to the attempts that we had on him last week.


Then we headed to Tichondrius as our 7th boss to progress on. I’m pretty sure he took us less attempts than Tel’arn to get down, it wasn’t nearly as difficult a fight as I was anticipating. I really liked Tich’s fight, managing blowing up the Brand of Argus, hiding behind pillars and chasing bats for their purple orbs of mana return kept the fight really interesting.


Twice recorded our Tich kill. He pointed out my mini-heart attack at the end as I was trying to move over to the Carrion plague side with Brand on me and trying to get the dps there to move apart so we didn’t accidentally blow it up. Trav misunderstood what I wanted and decided to come stand with me…

We had a spontaneous ring-in with Neuro coming to raid with us this week. His guild had an unexpected tragedy so the guild was taking some time out from their raid schedule and Neuro came along with us so we could help distract him a little. Despite the circumstances of why he was there, it was awesome having Neuro back in our raid. He used to raid with us for a long while but went off to do more mythic raiding when Deadline took a break from raiding in WoD. He’s now stepped back from pushing mythics as much and is a member in Frostwolves with Navi. While I know he’s enjoying raiding where he is,  I’m pretty sure quite a few of us have missed him being with us, I know I have.

For our normal Nighthold run on Thursday we were steamrolling through the bosses and we really didn’t need 3 healers so I swapped over to Boomy for the night. It was really fun and I spent most of the night trying to copy what Neuro was casting. He really nicely put some time aside on Sunday to spend time with me on the training dummies running me through how to play a boomy this expansion.

For the first time in a long while I really enjoy how boomy feels to play so I’ve been doing a few dgns to get used to the spec off the training dummies. I can kill trash really well with Starfall spam, though I don’t keep those numbers up so high on the boss fights. I need to put a lot more time into this spec so I can go dps in our raids as eventually we’re going to be over-healing it again, just like we ended up doing in EN. z-can-trash

It would be great if I can really enjoy boomy this expac, I truly didn’t like the way it felt to play last expansion so I rarely touched it but so far it feels a lot different. I see that 7.2 is bringing new Druid spell animations which look pretty amazing. I am a bit sad to see the ring of purple glitter going from the base of Starfall, I really loved that effect, it was so pretty. But the actual falling stars look better in the new version. And OMG how amazing does Efflo look now, I love the new rune look and the wild flowers that sprout in it are way better looking than the solitary mushroom and flat flowers. But nothing beats the changes to Tranquility, the new casting animation is gorgeous (fingers crossed it looks as good when it’s a Troll casting).

Photos borrowed from mmo-champion.

There’s a full video over at MMO Champion’s Twitch channel.. here.. if you want to see all the new spell animations.

It’s a good time to be a Druid!